Sales optimisation and Cohort analysis
Achieving sustainable growth is one of the foremost concerns of modern businesses One popular framework used by business people when analysing the impact on strategies aimed at improving revenue and achieving sustainable growth is the old chestnut of price and volume: Source: This works great, but one analysis I like to do is called cohort analysis. This really helps sharpen the focus and helps us zoom in on managerial actions that can move the dial. You can think of these as levers of value: Source: Cohort analysis in Tableau With three, easily re-used formula, we can replicate a cohort analysis on new data sets with relative ease when we've deployed Tableau in our analytical toolkit: // A fixed LoD to set the Customer Acquisition Date [Customer Acquisition Date] {FIXED [Customer Name] : MIN ([Order Date]) } // A fixed LoD to set the Customer Lost Date [Customer Last Date] {FIXED [Customer Name] : MAX ([...