Sentiment analysis and Alteryx #AYXAdvocacyAmplified
Sentiment analysis in Alteryx Alteryx is a great platform to run some analytics, in a graphical and easy-to-explain format. One thing I've been experimenting with lately is natural language processing. In the above workflow I'm leveraging the built-in #rstats environment to scrape data from a financial analyst's report. Using Alteryx's built-in data cleansing and reporting tools, I then re-shaped and pivoted the data for further processing. Sometimes people ask, #rstats (aka the "R programming language") or #Python? The answer is: "Why choose, when you can have both?" In the example above, I'm then processing the data with a Python script which leverages the open source VADER library. Although more appropriate with social media inputs, I'm experimenting with this sentiment analysis library before moving on to other libraries. I then take the data back out into a scatterplot provided by #rstats The box plot above is basi...